Let’s Let Loose!
Welcome to the Vivo Play Project. Our mission was to get kids in North Central Calgary outside and moving through unstructured play AND we did. Check out the site to learn more.
Impacts include:
Let’s Talk Loose Parts
Fundamental to unstructured play are loose parts—random items like tape and tarps, buckets and bolts. Without structure or instructions, these items (paired with imagination) let kids make absolutely anything—including memories, mistakes, and magical moments.
Let’s Play
To make it easy for your family to get out and get moving, we have brought a teeny-tiny bit of structure to unstructured play through Vivo Play Hubs (popping up in your community) and Loose Parts Play Kits (which you can rent and take home).
Let’s Review!
The Vivo Play Project was passionate about unstructured play, and we are on a mission to prove that it can lead to more active, healthier generations. Our work in this area is part of a four-year public health research initiative, and is funded by the Suncor Energy Foundation and the Public Health Agency of Canada.